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Deity Oils

Deity Oils

All of our Magickal oils are available in Half Dram, 1 Dram, 2 Dram, 1 Oz, and 2 Oz sizes. They are excellent for spell work, candle magick, baths and much more.


Pan Oil: Sexuality, male fertility, wild and natural places


Seshat Oil: Feminine scholarship, science, measurement, writing, books


Kali Ma Oil: Dark mother, feminine power, protection and healing for victims


Thoth Oil: Magick, writing, books, knowledge, the Moon


Ganesh Oil: Clearing obstacles, grace, abundance, wishes granted


Lilith Oil: Feminine empowerment, healing a broken heart, attracting a soulmate


Mary Magdeline Oil: Twin flame attraction, relationship


Bast Oil: Pleasure, sensuality, dance, family, cats


Demeter Oil: Fertility, mother/child issues, abundance


Hecate Oil: Magick, protection, crossroads, safety in childbirth

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